Pierre Schneider SkiEO
Antique Ski Shop
Welcome to our online Antique Ski Shop! Here you will find a combination of 80 years worth of collecting and restoring vintage skis and other winter sports equipment.
Shop our site to find bamboo and hickory vintage ski poles, lace-up leather ski boots, antique snowshoes, wooden ice axes and ice skates, original vintage ski posters and prints as well as many other decorative items and gifts for the passionate skier. We guarantee you a pleasurable shopping experience!
Featured vintage ski equipment and chalet decor

Swiss Ski Museum
After many months of hard work, our “Swiss Ski Museum” website is now also available in French & German and we are grateful to our main partners who.

The Swiss Weather Stone®
The Swiss Weather Stone® is a humor display that pokes fun at the intricate technology used in modern weather forecasts, as well as the fact that.

“Your home or chalet deco is the personal signature of your lifestyle, passion and taste. Therefore, your home should be a distillation of your.