This very scarce antique ice axe was manufactured by "Andenmatten" in Siders (French = Sierre) in the Valais. The family name "Andenmatten" is very well known as forgers in Saas Almegel, Valais, Switzerland. No doubt the maker of this ice axe was related to this family & moved down the valley to ply his trade but still named his axes "Allalin" which is a mountain peak & glacier (4027m) above Saas Fee. The first to climb it was also named Andenmatten (Franz) who reached the summit in August 1856. This rare ice axe features an adjustable leather hand leash (instead of the regular canvas strap) and the leash stopper is made out of brass. The wood shaft shows minor signs of wear & the metal parts have been cleaned, polished and ready to decorate your home or chalet with.
Data sheet